Zaeem Qadeer

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Examples of work

  • > calculator-basic

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    Technologies used: Python, Tkinter

    A calculator app built in Python with the GUI made with Tkinter. Has Basic functionality one would expect a calculator to have. Handles zero division error, capable of dividing integers into a float and clearing entry(AC)

  • > Omnifood

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    Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JQuery

    This is a simple one-page website featuring the fictitious Omnifood a fictitous food delivery service. The site also uses animations using jQuery on scroll and a sign up section below for a newsletter.

  • > W1 FMA

    View on github

    Technologies used: HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL

    This site allows users to upload and view JPEG files accompanied by a description. It does this by storing information about the upload into a MySQL table called 'images'. Retrieving the data allows images held on the filesystem to be displayed with their respective description. A summary of of all thumbnail images exists on the homepage with no image larger than 150px x 150px. Clicking on a thumbnail takes you to another view where the image is displayed at a maximum of 600px x 600px. To go back to the thumbnails you may click on the image.

  • > textnotes

    View on github

    Technologies used: Python 3, Tkinter

    Basic notepad application. Suitable for editing plain text documents (.txt). You may open (Ctrl+O) a file with the toolbar which opens a file dialog for the user to select a text document from their machine, you may then save (Ctrl+S) the current file you are working on and also choose to save as (Ctrl+Alt+S) renaming the the document and saving it elsewhere on your machine.

  • > W1 TMA

    View on github

    Technologies used: HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL

    W1 Music displays the queried data from two tables artist and song from the MySQL database. A summary of active artists and number of songs appear on each page. The app provides multiple views Home gives the user basic text as a welcome and instruction to the app. The artist view displays the list of arists who have songs in the database with the number of songs they have, artists with no songs are not displayed and the artist names are sorted in ascending order. The songs view displays all the available songs with the artist name and song duration in mm:ss format.

  • > Cryptodaily - Work in progress

    Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JSON

    A large scale site which features many sections. The cryptocurrency widget built with javascript receives data from to update the prices every 10 minutes. It will include many different types of articles and includes embedded videos a comments system and social media integration.